The Flock

WoodHaven is currently home to:

over 30 Bird residents

  • Coot

  • Bandit

WoodHaven Rescue has several resident peafowl, but Bandit and Coot are the ones who greet people in the drive…and won’t get out of the way. These brothers have designated territories, and will walk the imaginary line that separates one side from the other. From late March to mid-August, when mating season is in full swing, the boys put on quite the show. The pea hens are all safe in a very large coop – we don’t need any more babies since there are so many to rescue! Of note – Peacocks are what the males are called. Pea hens are female, and all together they are called Peafowl. Bandit and Coot will come beg for treats, and they will gladly snatch their favorite treat (cat food!) from outstretched hands.


Homer is a racing pigeon, but obviously not a very good one….When he showed up at WoodHaven Rescue, we realized he was a lost homing/racing pigeon. After tracking down his owner based on his leg band….we were informed that Homer had flown in the OPPOSITE direction of his home. And not by a few miles. Homer was more than 350 miles from home. In the wrong direction. Homer’s owner was elderly and asked if Homer would be able to live out his life here in the WoodHaven Rescue coop. We were happy to honor that request.


We wish local farm stores would not sell cute chicks…the impulse to buy chicks can quickly turn into OH NO, when the chicks grow into adult birds that eat and poop A LOT. Laverne and Shirley came to WoodHaven when their owners realized they didn’t have the space to properly care for them. Shirley is quiet and shy, but becoming more outgoing. She loves taking dust baths in the mulch, eating bugs, and pulling out flowers from their planters. Sadly, Laverne is no longer with us.

Boy George

It’s not every day one finds a Lady Amherst pheasant walking around a busy downtown area, but that’s how Boy George came to live at WoodHaven. Boy George was most likely raised in a small cage with wire bottoms, as his toes have all been broken and healed in a crooked way. He is a very nervous bird, and we respect his need to be alone. He has a large pen, where he resides with Homer and a bantam rooster named Syd. These bachelors all get along well and enjoy dust baths, meal worm and watermelon for treats, lots of perching options. And not a wire floor in sight.


GG and JJ are African guinea fowl, and are great watch dogs. No one pulls into WoodHaven Rescue without warning screeches from those two. They came to WoodHaven due to fighting with other birds, but have settled in and seem to be happy here.

More Birds

Tim is the mature Peacock, and he lives with his bonded mate Georgina. Three other pea hens and 4 other young peacocks reside with over 20 chickens. Most of these hens are too old to lay eggs. They are allowed to live out their lives taking dust baths and chasing bugs.

Currently there are 6 roosters here, and that means several different pens to keep them from fighting. Pepe and Gregory were raised together as chicks and get along very well, even though Pepe HATES humans and will attack when you feed him.

Mutt and Jeff are brothers who reside together – most of the time they ignore each other, but they can have squabbles. Syd is the bantam rooster who is harmless. And Navin is the resident Jerk.

Make a donation

We are able to provide food, shelter and veterinary care thanks to generous community donations. From all of us at WoodHaven Rescue Farm - THANK YOU for helping us in our mission.

Your donations are tax deductible.
